Seth MacFarlane’s Dads: The “I Told You So” Edition


About six days ago, a bunch of TV critics got to see the pilot of Seth MacFarlane’s new comedy Dads. Why don’t we just see what some of the critics had to say about it:

It simply isn’t funny, going for obvious, groan-inducing comedy” – Eric Goldman

…a high profile act of slut-shaming and ethnic jokes” – Joel Mathis

casually racist and horrifically unfunny” – Jace Jacob

It’s mostly nasty about women of colour” – Linda Holmes

Having people braying at “ironic” racism makes it real racism” – Todd VanDerWerff

So racist and unfunny seems to be a running theme here. Although, I’m sure it can’t be counted as “real racism” as I highly doubt Seth MacFarlane is genuinely racist. With what I’ve seen and read, it seems that South Park were right, Seth MacFarlane is just terrible at jokes. Maybe this is the show where Seth MacFarlane ditched the manatees and instead relied on tired ethnic stereotypes you’d have used to insult your friends in high school. There’s even a Latina maid with the same kind of broken English and appearance as Consuela in Family Guy. Seth McaFarlane is recycling his own jokes. The manatee’s jokes I mean.

By the way, if you think any of this is exaggerated. Here are a few jokes that have been pointed out.

Brenda Song (Social Network, Suite Life ofjust Social Network) says here father “beat me with a math book“.

She dresses as a “sexy Asian schoolgirl

And by far, the worst one I came across,

“That creepy translator texted me a picture of his tiny Chinese penis

Again, I’m not complaining that it’s offensively racist, as these are just stereotypes, but they are offensively shitty. I mean, he just had to throw in the “Chinese” just so we were completely clear on why his dick was small.

It’s like saying “the Chinese guy’s crashed his car because he’s Chinese and he’s a bad driver”.

Apparently Seth MacFarlane has all the creativity as a 12-year old on Xbox live.

The FOX chairman responded by saying, well The Big Bang Theory had initially bad reviews. I haven’t seen much of that show, but from what I have seen, at least I didn’t use the same jokes on my friends as a kid. A racist kid apparently, but that was what we did for some reason.

Yes, I wrote this whole article to prove myself, and my graph, right to people who don’t care, don’t have an opinion and had they had one, would have come to the exact same conclusion as me. But fuck you, I need little victories.

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