Season Two

What’s this?

This blog was renewed for a second season?

And what else was that?

Just like Seth McFarlane’s Dads, no one asked for it to be brought back?

Well unlike Dads, I’m not pathetic, I’ve just gone under-appreciated. But now I’m back to bring you all that news you didn’t know you wanted to know. Or you did know you didn’t want to know. Whatever your thoughts, I’m gonna be posting here anyways so stay tuned or fuck off (don’t…please).

In case you guys didn’t know, since I’ve been away a lot of stuff has happened.

True Detective killed it, Fargo killed it and Game of Thrones killed people.


Community was ended by NBC, then ignored by Hulu before being saved by the unlikely hero, Yahoo!. When the fuck did Yahoo! get into TV shows, who knows, but they saved Community.

Also The Simpsons is crossing over with Family Guy, and then it’s crossing over with Futurama.

DC are releasing a trilogy of TV shows (namely Flash, Constantine and Gotham) and Marvel have a Daredevil and Agent Carter TV show in the making.


…this is what the internet gives you when you Google Flash.

Doctor Who is returning in just a month, with a new old face.

Breaking Bad spin-off “Better Call Saul” information has been revealed.

Heroes, that really promising show that jumped the shark, stumbled upon landing and fell off a well placed cliff, is returning in some kinda reboot.

That’s some of the news that I’ll be rehashing in later posts, but giving a little more detail and using a lot more words that look like they’re meant to be funny, in some way. Stay tuned.

Write something here. Anything. Seriously.