Seth MacFarlane’s Dads

That title may be slightly misleading. He has one dad.

Dads is actually a new live-action sitcom by Seth MacFarlane because, you know, we can’t get enough of him (Family Guy, American Dad, Cleveland Show, Ted). It stars Seth Green, Phoebe’s brother from Friends and a live studio audience.

So prepare for laughter. From other people seemingly stoned on laughter gas.

The show is about two video game developers whose fathers unexpectedly move in with them. Hilarity ensues, supposedly. To be honest, from the trailer Dads looks like a great example of something that Family Guy would take joy in tearing to little fucking pieces in a prolonged gag that eventually becomes boring (refer to past posts for this slight animosity). I can’t judge completely yet since it’s not been broadcasted, but if we consider the trend of Seth MacFarlane shows, shit looks pretty bleak:


That expertly crafted graph demonstrates Seth’s debilitating condition which seems to be draining the funny from him. Those cold, hard statistics are 100% real, so please donate to help him overcome his problem. Other sufferers include Eddie Murphy, Steve Martin and possibly me. So donate to me too.

Side note: Yesterday was the blog’s one month anniversary…so thanks for acknowledging that. No, no, no, of course you didn’t remember, because you’re so fucking busy with more important stuff. Dickhole.

6 thoughts on “Seth MacFarlane’s Dads

  1. Seems like you noticed it just today yourself…since there were no surprises for all your (many) followers to celebrate the 1 month anniversary!!!

  2. So on the actual day not only your followers, but also you were not aware of the 1 month anniversary!!!

  3. Pingback: Seth MacFarlane’s Dads: The “I Told You So” Edition | Life in a Television Show

  4. Pingback: Dads Pilot | Life in a Television Show

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