Sequel to The Inbetweeners Movie

This is just a quick post to let people who don’t look at irrelevant news concerning TV and film know that The Inbetweeners Movie 2 is in production and is set for release in early August.


I know what you’re thinking; If I was trying to be conspicuous, maybe I shouldn’t have put that on a separate line. Maybe you’re just wondering why I would try to hide that fact? Because I feel stupid writing about it over a year earlier than it’s release date.

Or were you just thinking that you should scroll down through the post to see how long it is and whether it’s worth your time? If it’s the latter, let me tell you now, it isn’t worth your time. Leave.

You’re not welcome in these parts.

Obviously each and every cringe-inducing character will be returning, Neil, the oblivious and overly lucky lamppost, Jay, the self-obsessed compulsive liar/masturbator, Simon, the human embodiment of awkward and Will, best described as the briefcase wanker.

There have been rumours that the film will have them backpacking around Australia and maybe, just maybe, something about a wedding for Neil but nothing has really been confirmed.

So everyone can look forward to another The Inbetweeners feature which is essentially an extended episode. Which is fine with me. The Inbetweeners is fucking hilarious.

Write something here. Anything. Seriously.