Chris Lilley’s “Private School Girl”

The genius behind We Can Be HeroesAngry Boys and Summer Heights High has finally revealed his new show, Private School Girl.

What’s that I hear you say? You haven’t heard of any of these shows? That’s because they were all made in Australia, by Australian Chris Lilley. And we all thought Neighbours was the only TV show produced in that far away land.

Each of these TV series is filmed as a mockumentary. There are several characters whose lives are focused on and each one of these main characters are played by Chris Lilley. And Chris Lilley is fucking epic at acting. 

Now this isn’t some Jack and Jill or Norbit situation where he wears a fat suit and/or make-up and acts like bad theatre actor at improv. His characters are intricate, with their own mannerisms and distinct personalities. Throughout his career, he’s played an unruly set of twins (one deaf, both dicks), a middle-aged woman who rolls around everywherea flamboyant, self-obsessed drama teachera troubled Tongan bullya sellout “hip-hop” artista Japanese mother who incorrectly and obsessively markets her skateboarder son as gay and a teenage girl who embodies the word “bitch”.


Chris Lilley may also be one of the greatest writers of realistic dialogue that I have ever seen. If you watch an episode, you’ll notice that every actor delivers their lines so naturally and so perfectly. I don’t know if the casting is impeccable or if Lilley’s writing just cannot be poorly acted. 

I’m not exaggerating. They probably talk more realistically than you do. It’s that well done.

Ok now, back to this new show he’s releasing. It centres around the aforementioned teenage girl named Ja’mie (pronounced JA-MAY), who has appeared in two of his TV shows so far as a central character. He hasn’t really given much other information and says he’d rather the fans enjoy the surprise. Honestly, I just think he’s more comfortable communicating to the masses through something other than his own skin. Maybe he has the most fun case of multiple personality disorder.

Just watched one clip of this show and I guarantee you will make laughter sounds.

YouTube’s Greatest – Exploding Actresses

Someone had the idea of editing the heads of actresses, in famous movies, to explode at the perfect moment. You didn’t ever thinking of doing that because you’re not a creative genius.

This video is serious time-wasting material for you, but a time-saving post for me.

This guy has also exploded the head of Johnny Depp, many Disney princesses and he even had Zazu the baboon throw Simba to his death in The Lion King.

Plans for David Brent

At the end of 2003, we bid farewell to David Brent. A tragic, egotistical, pathetic man who helped changed TV comedy. And also caused a massive excess of mockumentary TV shows.

But as Arrested Development has proved, things we love will come back to us once more. Granted Firefly fans aren’t getting jack shit, but mentioning that wouldn’t allow me to prove anything.

Ricky Gervais’ character and counterpart David Brent first appeared outside of The Office UK in The Office US, because it’s his show and he can do whatever the fuck he wants. Luckily he did it before Steve Carell left and presumably distanced himself from the show as they jumped the shark.

After his two appearances in America, Brent then appeared on YouTube, with a few videos that tried to capture the magic of Brent outside the Office, sans Howard from Halifax. Instead he has Doc Brown, whose music Brent is producing and whose race Brent is trying to associate with. Leading to the awesome comic relief reggae rap music video, Equality Street, performed by Gervais and Doc Brown, with another video about to how this collaborating came about.


Turns out this video is damn prophetic when I saw a sad union of Robbie Williams and Dizzee Rascal, with the only difference being the song is not about equality.


The latest Brent has done are these weekly “Learn Guitar with David Brent” YouTube videos.

But now, Ricky Gervais has said that he wants to make a fucking David Brent movie.


Soak it in. Forget about Affleck as Batman and think about a full feature with David Brent, the man who brought us a fusion of flashdance and MC Hammer shit.

But that’s not all, Gervais has actually got a few other things lined up for Brent. Starting with a frickin’ record deal. You might be able to buy “Free Love Freeway”, or torrent it.

After this, Brent will appear in a few charity concerts. Woop.

Then the film will be made, probably focusing on Brent trying to make his dream of becoming a musician come true. Something Gervais accomplished early in his life.

Good news? Or do you not give a fuck? Or have I been confusing you with alternating use of Gervais and Brent to talk about the same person more or less? Let me know if you have a few seconds free.

Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist Pilot


You’ll never see lazier drawing than what you’ll find in this show. The characters don’t move apart from their eyes and lips. Everything around them is coloured in grey except the things they’re using or going to use. It’s like Schindler’s List, but with more Jewish people.

Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist was the first animation to introduce Squigglevision. Which means that the characters’ outlines constantly move and wave, making everyone look like they were drawn by nervous, jittery meth heads. Their noses also look like smiles, which can get distracting and downright freaky.


It’s a comedy that mostly revolves around a therapist Dr. Katz (Jonathan Katz) who listens to the problems of his many clients, most of whom are well-known comedians including Ray Romano, Louis C.K. Emo Philips, Jeffrey Ross, Jon Stewart, Patton Oswalt, Ben Stiller, Bob Odenkirk, David Cross, Sarah Silverman, Dave Chapelle and a lot of others you don’t know. As you can see from the inclusion of Emo Philips and Dave Chapelle, this show is not recent, first aired in 1995 and ending 1999. It also included the voice actor messiah, H. Jon Benjamin’s (Archer, Bob’s Burgers), first TV role.

The therapy sessions serve as a stage for the comedians to perform their comedy routines with cartoon representation (a bit like The Ricky Gervais Show) and Dr. Katz replying to their words. This just makes everything more funny because whatever jokes are made just make them sound stranger. You’ll understand when you watch it. Or not, but to be honest, I couldn’t give less of a fuck.

These therapy sessions are absolute gold. Listening to Ray Romano talk about not remembering whether he shampooed his hair in the shower cannot be presented in a funnier way than this show allows. The back-and-forths between the characters outside of the therapy sessions aren’t always as good though, especially the scenes between Ben (H. Jon Benjamin) and Laura (Laura Silverman). Although Dr. Katz’s conversations at the bar with his two friends are usually pretty awesome.

As the ultra-observant may have spotted, I’ve included lots of links to clips of the show in this post because this show could easily be enjoyed through clips of the therapy sessions alone. Check out one of the clips and tell me why this show isn’t more well known.

YouTube’s Greatest – Double Dream Hands

The most merry dance ever taught to the masses. This guy’s enthusiasm rivals the ShamWow guy and the sheer joy emanating from his movements is infectious enough to make even the most joyless among us feel happiness.

Everybody should try the double dream hands once in their life and feel as your body convulses with a cocktail of embarrassment, adrenaline and excitement.

And don’t forget to fucking freestyle.